P1: Media & Rep

 Friday 4th November 2022

Media Language and Representation

What is this? - Album Cover 
What is the genre? - Pop
Who are the target audience? - 15-25, use of roses could represent elegance, same as the doves which would point towards a female target audience.
How is the artist represented? - Loud and boisterous. Perhaps don't care what people think, as she is wearing quite revealing clothes and isn't trying to make herself look attractive.
What told you these things? - The expression and the fact a lot is going on and it looks very busy


The denotative elements of the Royalty album cover is that Chris Brown is shown hugging what I presume is his daughter/son. It also shows him covered in tattoos and a range of jewellery, from rings, a chain, a watch, a earring and nose ring. On the other hand, the denotative elements of the 'Born This Way' album cover, shows Lady Gaga as a motorbike and shows that her hair is messy which again brings attention to her pale white face and skin. She uses black and white everywhere except on her lipstick which also brings attention to her mouth which is pulling an interesting expression. The connotations of 'Royalty' are that the fact that he is holding his baby, which signifies the love and care he has for it, which could further explain the reasoning of why the album is called Royalty. Furthermore, the contrast of love and care is challenged by the obvious tattoos and the large jewellery. This could show that he has possibly turned his life around from the stereotypical hip-hop rap lifestyle and has instead decided to start a family and show that he cares more about family than the old life he used to have, which could again hint at the reasoning of the album name. However the connotations of Born This Way show that she is different, it does this by showing her as a motorbike which could also hint that she is motivated and driven, and that she doesn't want to stop, like the machine.

Wednesday 9th November 2022


L/O- to understand the terminology and theory needed to analyse music videos

The camerawork in Hannibal Lecter creates tension and unease, it does this because of the back and fourth with the use of a mix of medium close up and close up shots between Hannibal and Clarice. This captures the confidence of him and the unease of her, which seems backwards as he is the one locked behind a glass wall. In addition to that, it makes him seem like he is interviewing her, as she is not asserting her dominance.

HOMEWORK: James Bond.

I agree with this statement due to many reasons. Firstly, the use of women and how they have been sexualised and objectified, mainly in 'Dr.No'. They are seen as almost lining up behind Bond which shows that he is a womaniser and gains the attention of women. They are half dressed which will automatically grab the attention of men aged 17-35. Secondly, the use of weapons and 'manly' objects further support the statement said. In the skyfall poster, Bond is seen sliding in in a suit and tie with a hand gun. With a white background there is nothing else to focus on other than Bond himself. Lastly, in 'Octopussy' it is the same as Dr.No in the fact that he has a women all over him, but also many hands touching him as well, relating back to the movies title. In conclusion, the statement said is true and i agree with it.

Friday 11th November 2022


L/O- to practice using the terminology and theory needed to analyse music video

Music Video: Bru-C - No Excuses

The Camera work used shows the excitement and joy, it does this by using a high angled shot which shows everyone partying and having fun. In addition to this, the camera work also creates a sense of domination or power by Bru-C. A lot of the time he is looking down onto the camera which makes the audience seem small which could also play to the genre of the music video, which is quite loud and in your face. Secondly, mise-en-scene is also a key part of this music video. With the use 0f outfits and costumes you can see it is based in the summer, which is further shown with the sun, alcohol and a swimming pool all in the background. Not only the type of clothes but the colours also radiates a summer feel which further backs up the genre of the song. Strobe lights are also used, perhaps to  give the idea of a party. Not only do the lights give this idea but the us of dutch tilts and wavy effects. Personally this is supposed to be a visual representation of what is going on inside his head, after some alcohol and possibly other substances as within the song he talks about having 'narcotic in the system'. Music video conventions are used, for example the main focus is on the artist pretty much the whole time and very little isn't. When it is something or someone else it is a key feature to the music video. I think it is a performance based video as it does not share or tell a narrative as such.

Friday 18th November

Music Video: SL - Tropical

The message portrayed is that he is different from the rest and isolated. This is shown by the fact he is in Iceland, an already under populated country but he also isolates himself in the middle of nowhere. The genre is obviously British Rap. The lighting is calm, he is in popular English clothing and he is on a Mercedes which is a status vehicle and used to show off his money. The camerawork used shows how desolate the area he is in is. The constant switch of establishing shots and medium close ups shows us the area and yet brings us back down to the artist. Personally I feel like this is taking the attention somewhat off of the artist and more on the beautiful background and scene. The clothes he wears seem to be winter orientated and matches the area the video is getting shot in. This could perhaps link to his bars being 'cold' a common word used by millennials and that gives the artist a link to the audience.

Wednesday 23rd November 2022

L/O - to research set tasks 

List A - Emeli Sande - Heaven
Genre - Urban Soul
Release Date - 12th August 2011
Link to Lyrics - The video was based in London to create a video that will connect with the audiences that will be viewing the video. By having the video based in a location that has streets, tunnels, corner shops and parks makes it more realistic for the viewers as every town and city contains these types of locations and so many have seen the locations that feature in the video.
What happens in the video? - It seems to be highlighting the depths of society and problems such as drug abuse.

List B - David Guetta - Titanium
Genre - Pop
Release Date - November 26th 2011
Link to lyrics - The child gets victimised and almost gets bullied by the police because h is different to the others.
What happens in the video? - The child is seen crying and being upset at the start. He then leaves the school but a teacher tells the police about what happened. The police then chase the child throughout the town including his own house. It end in the forest where he is forced into submission

Friday 25th November 2022

L/O - to explore the purpose, form and conventions 


  • Use of mid shots and close ups
  • Large range of angles
  • Some establishing shots in certain areas
  • Cut to the beat 
  • Small use of slow mo
  • Colour Grading
  • Props create realism
  • Natural Lighting

Wednesday 30th November 2022

L/O - How are artists, as a band, shown in music videos

Very feminine
Possibly seductive as it looks like she is undressing
Pink all over
Quite intimidating
Background makes her the main focus

Where was it filmed?
Bethnal Green 
Who directed it?
Jake Nava
How was it released?
Digital Download and 7" Vinyl
Can you find any quotes or press releases from either the artist or the record label about the video and what it is supposed to be about?
Emeli Sande's said “Heaven came from a conversation I was having with my producer, it’s harder for our generation because things move so fast, and how there’s so many influences and avenues, and he said, you just have to keep your heart clean. It was the imagery of a clean or dirty heart that inspired me, and we wrote it in about half an hour. I knew I wanted it to be my first song from the off.”

Friday 2nd December 2022

Street life was depicted in heaven as a mixture of both good and bad. The bad side is represented by the side of doom and gloom. Mainly black and darker tones, and MES helps portray it in that light, especially with clothing and lighting. This link adds the location of the video (bethnal green) and highlights the problem in the area and the street life around it. Another use of MES is when you see a woman descending into darkness wearing a red dress, which can represent something sexual or even the devil, a binary opposition to the title and nature of the song. There is also very good use of scenes depicting the lower class citizens only showing the buildings and the urban area behind them, almost suggesting that there is no way to leave or escape from this metaphorical prison. But when Emeli Sande is in the frame, they open the background and the birds fly around, perhaps showing that she came out of the same place and is now free as a bird.
The good side is shown by making people happy, even if their situation is not good. It highlights the fact that you have to look on the bright side and take everything you have for granted. The use of MES is also indicated by the fact that the lighting sometimes shines on the poor, which could mean that someone is looking down on them, either Emeli or God himself, or perhaps the sky, which emphasises the use of the song title.

Wednesday 7th December

Where was it filmed? Province of Quebec, Canada
Who directed it? David Wilson
What is the message? Inner Strength and being strong within ourselves

How does the camerawork reflect the childs view of the world?

The camerawork shows the emotion of the child, and shows the fear he feels inside and the complete confusion at the start of music video.

Friday 9th December

Intertextuality in Titanium:

In Titanium, there is a surprisingly large amount of intertextuality. Firstly the link to the 2011 movie "Super 8" is very clear after researching a little bit. First of all, the child in Titanium is the same actor who played a star role in Super 8 (Ryan Lee). This is a direct link to Super 8 and also links the two to the supernatural. Secondly, the link to Superargo is also clear, mainly with one of the props in the background. A poster can be seen behind the TV of a Superargo poster. Lastly, the links to Steven Spielberg and his movies are very obvious. Firstly, the use of camera shots such as the 'Spielberg Shot' which is the shot that zooms in and gets the expression and emotion of the character without showing what they are looking at. Furthermore, the similarities to the movies are uncanny. For example the use if a young child and some sort of supernatural being or person and the late 70s/early 80s look. The reason they use intertextuality is for additional info and to link to their target audience which I believe to be 25-35 (at the time of release). 

Wednesday 4th January 2023

Within Titanium, patriarchy is shown by having a 'pecking order' with the boy being at the bottom of the food chain, while at the top are the soldiers and police officers. Individualism is also shown within Titanium. The boy is the personification of this, as he is shown as being on his own and being independant the whole time. In Heaven, Hedonism is shown by her being somewhat self centered. This is shown in some lyrics. Such as "do you recognise me in the flashing lights" Feminism is shown as she is always in the spotlight and shows that women have power. She could also been seen as somewhat angelic, as she is always backlit and is almost spectating and looking down on what is unfolding.

Wednesday 11th January 2023


L/O- to understand the purpose of advertising and the language used to analyse texts

  • The colours used, black and red, gives a vampire and dark theme.
  • The pose expresses the model and shows she's different. Possibly linking to the product
  • The font reminds me of a disney movie
  • The model seems to be put behind the product, showing us that the product is what the company wants to be seen.
  • The model is directly looking at the audience, showing possibly intimacy and possibly intimidation.
  • A lot of skin is showing so they could be trying to appeal the male audience, by showing that the person they are buying this for could become and look like the model.


The guy is made to look scruffy, this is shown with his hair and the clothes he's wearing, yet with the clicker, it shows that even if you don't look the most attractive, you can still get the women if you use LYNX. Furthermore, the colour palette is made to look more masculine with the colour blue. The overall message seems to be that no matter how you look, with the help of lynx you can get any girl.


I think the overall message is that they are consistant, and are still as good as they used to be. They use Elvis Presley as a grabbing point and it also backs up the message they are saying. It also could use Elvis as a marketing attraction to the older generation, which isn't typically their target audience. 


Friday 13th/18th January 2023


L/O- to explore how representations are constructed in advertising

Preferred or Dominant Reading: agree with the meaning of the ad, and want to buy the product
Negotiated Reading: agree with the meaning but don't want to buy the product
Oppositional Reading: reject the meaning and reject the product

Old Spice - 
Old spice focus on selling anti-perspirant and deodorant brand for men in the United States. Old Spice offers a complete product portfolio for today's evolving needs, including anti-perspirants, deodorants, body washes, body sprays, shampoos and hair stylers.

Their brand image appears to be wanting you to smell 'like a man' and wants you to be the best man you can be

Old Spice use Isaiah Mustafa as a main star.

The content of the advert consists of the bloke talking to a women, about how her man could at least smell like him because he cant look like him. 
Being very 


    WWW: you clearly understand the themes and ideas behind the song/video
    EBI: how can we see the social realism genre in the video?

    WWW: good intertextuality analysis
    EBI: your examples should include specific shot types etc.

    Good use of terminology but very brief



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